Quick Enquiry
Green Plus Effect on Plant:
-Protein Biosynthesis
-Resistance to abiotic stress
-Stamata Activity
-Pollination and fruit formation
Green Plus effect on Soil.
-Increasemicrobial activity
-Microbial balance in the soil.
Benefits of Green Plus:
Plant can biosynthesis all the Ami Gold they need with other nutrient, but it
consume energy with very complex procedure, Applying amino acid scan help
plant to focus on growing and yielding
Recommended Crops:
Vegetables: Chilies, Beans, Brinjal , Cucurbits,
Okra, Onion, Pea, Potato, Sweet Potato, Tomato, Cole
Crops( Cabbage,
Cauliflower, Knol- Khol), Drum Stick, Spinach Other:
Lawns, Gardens, Golf Course, Green House,
Floriculture, Fodder Crops etc.
-Increase vase life/ keeping quality of flowers.-
-Boosts tolerance to environmental stresses.
– Fewer Incidents of Pest and diseases.
– Greatly increase nutrients uptake.
– Enhances overall quality and appearance of plant life.
– Highly impactfull pest and diseases.
– Provides organic nutrients to plants.
Application Dosage :20ml- 30ml per 15 ltr. water .