Quick Enquiry

Black Gold is biochemical always deliver humic acid powder, humic acid
granules, humic acid liquid, humic acid 95%, humic 98% and humic acid
100%. our humic acid less with lots of quality and benefits. Agro biochemicals
premium level supplier of humic acid. We are delivering high-quality humic acid
with the most powerful characteristics for plants and soil. Our product helps to
enhance water retention and increase seed germination rates. Humic acid is
primarily found in manure, peat, lignite coal, and leonardite. Humic acid
extracted from manure or peat is usually not as effective in absorbing
micronutrients as humic acid originating in leonardite .Leonardite a highly
oxidized form of organic matter is technically known as a low rank coal between
peats and sub-bituminous. It is oxidized by nature, resulting in a highly active
humic acid.
It is 100% Water Soluble and 100% Organic Product for Plant Fertilizer Humic
acid and fulvic acid are for plant fertilizer can be in the form powder granules
95% or 98% .we have 95% humic acid flakes which has better content than
powder and granules .Application: Add 10 Grams per liter of water for foliar
spraying and 100ml per liter of water for soil application.

Recommended Crops :

Rice, Wheat, Maize, Sorghum, Sugarcane, Pigeon,
Pea, Soybean, Cotton, Sunflower, Groundnut and safflower, Vegetables(Tomato, Okra, Brinjal, Chilly etc.), Tea & Coffee,
Fruit Crops and All Commercial
Crops, Ornamental, Floriculture, Landscaping, Forestry, Elechi, Nursery, Gulf Course & Play Ground.